Monday, August 6, 2012


I've heard it said that we all have strange, secret behaviors (or SSBs) that we practice from time to time.  Because we fear being mocked and ridiculed for our eccentricity, we tend to indulge when no one's around.  It goes beyond mere idiosyncrasies...they're "idio-secrecies"! (You may roll your eyes but I thought that was clever.)

So as you've likely figured out, I'm about to tell you one of my SSBs.  No surprise but it has to do with fashion.  More specifically, my secret behavior  involves planning my outfits for the week.

And bee-tee-dubs, if you think the fact that I plan my outfits in advance is my weird behavior, you've got another think coming (as my mom used to say).  Many people advocate picking out what you're going to wear the night before so as to save time in the morning.

My idio-secret is HOW I choose my weekly wardrobe.  Each Sunday evening, I take out my trusty planning notebook.  On the inside cover is a key that reads as follows:

Monday - Top
Tuesday - Bottom or Dress
Wednesday - Jewelry
Thursday - Other Accessory
Friday - Any

That probably doesn't mean much to you but for me it's a guide by which I select my various ensembles.  On Monday, for example, I look through my tops to find one that I haven't worn in a while and I plan an outfit around that top.  On Wednesday, same basic principle but I start with a piece of jewelry that has been neglected or lost in the back of my closet somewhere.

Yes, now that I've typed it out, I realize how absurd this sounds but I stand by my SSB because it not only cuts down on my pre-work, primp time but ensures that I get the most out of the pieces in my closet.  I mean, who doesn't like to hear, "I hardly ever see you wear the same thing twice"?

For the fun of it, I've included pictures as an example.  I haven't patented the process yet so my readers are welcome to use it.  Don't worry - it'll be our little secret!

Started with the top and planned the rest around it...down to the silver jewelry and purple heels

Monday Morning

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