Okay, in true Otter fashion, I've decided to give it a go. I figure I made it to week 5 last year, so I'll pick up with week 6 in 2011 and TRY to make it all the way to week 52. As a refresher, here are the parameters:
Things to DO in Midland/Odessa,
Restaurants don't count,
No repeating.
I'll start compiling my list today. Maybe if I plan out my weeks in advance, I'll be less likely to fizzle out.
Okay, enough about that. Just in case anyone's wondering, here's the quick list of what's been going on with me since my last post:
I'm in my 4th year of teaching at Midland Christian (Economics and Theatre still) and recently decided to go back to school for my Masters in Theatre. Against my better (Aggie) judgement, I'm applying for the program at Texas Tech. I take the GRE this Saturday and am planning a trip to Lubbock soon to speak with an advisor. My plan is to go to summer school until my last 2 semesters which must be completed in the fall and spring.
I've also moved since my last post. I'm no longer with the 'rents (many thanks to Randy and Brenda for housing me last year). I now rent a house owned by and across from Midland Christian. I love the extra space, my great roommate (shout out to Rani Hayes!) and being able to walk to work.
Lastly, a few of my resolutions/plans for 2011:
- lose weight (another shout out to my workout partner, Amanda Rosales!)
- see the blog through
- become a leader in Celebrate Recovery
- get accepted to Texas Tech (never thought I'd say that)
- go to NYC in May
- pay off Discover and start making a dent in Visa
Amy's final opinion on 2010:
Not too shabby, but 2011 will be even better!
Amy's Advice:
Enjoy the "Things to Do" while you can....you know, just in case ;)
So glad you're back to blogging...I'll keep you accountable for it!!