Monday, August 6, 2012


I've heard it said that we all have strange, secret behaviors (or SSBs) that we practice from time to time.  Because we fear being mocked and ridiculed for our eccentricity, we tend to indulge when no one's around.  It goes beyond mere idiosyncrasies...they're "idio-secrecies"! (You may roll your eyes but I thought that was clever.)

So as you've likely figured out, I'm about to tell you one of my SSBs.  No surprise but it has to do with fashion.  More specifically, my secret behavior  involves planning my outfits for the week.

And bee-tee-dubs, if you think the fact that I plan my outfits in advance is my weird behavior, you've got another think coming (as my mom used to say).  Many people advocate picking out what you're going to wear the night before so as to save time in the morning.

My idio-secret is HOW I choose my weekly wardrobe.  Each Sunday evening, I take out my trusty planning notebook.  On the inside cover is a key that reads as follows:

Monday - Top
Tuesday - Bottom or Dress
Wednesday - Jewelry
Thursday - Other Accessory
Friday - Any

That probably doesn't mean much to you but for me it's a guide by which I select my various ensembles.  On Monday, for example, I look through my tops to find one that I haven't worn in a while and I plan an outfit around that top.  On Wednesday, same basic principle but I start with a piece of jewelry that has been neglected or lost in the back of my closet somewhere.

Yes, now that I've typed it out, I realize how absurd this sounds but I stand by my SSB because it not only cuts down on my pre-work, primp time but ensures that I get the most out of the pieces in my closet.  I mean, who doesn't like to hear, "I hardly ever see you wear the same thing twice"?

For the fun of it, I've included pictures as an example.  I haven't patented the process yet so my readers are welcome to use it.  Don't worry - it'll be our little secret!

Started with the top and planned the rest around it...down to the silver jewelry and purple heels

Monday Morning

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jewelry Rules!

I know what you’re thinking.  Amy, you JUST told us that when it comes to fashion, there are no rules so why are you posting about Jewelry Rules?  The list I’m about to give you is not really a list of rules but rather guidelines for how I accessorize with jewelry. 

The title, however, was meant in the sense that Jewelry RULES – it rocks, it’s the best, it reigns supreme when it comes to fashion, accessorizing and, well…it definitely reigns supreme in MY closet.  Words really can’t begin to describe my love affair with jewelry.  But those who know me already knew that to be the case, so let’s get on with it.

Here are a few guidelines that I use when considering, selecting and purchasing jewelry – something I do more than I should.

#1. If I’m not wearing jewelry, I might as well not be wearing anything.  No, I’m not advocating nudism as a new trend but rather expressing my personal feeling that without jewelry I am naked.  The only exceptions I can think of are working out and swimming….but even with the latter I’ve been known to sport earrings and bracelets to the pool.

#2. Who says you have to match jewelry to your outfits?  I often operate under the opposite principle and match outfits to fun, funky jewelry that I find.  But then again, I’ve always been a little “backwards”!

#3. Contrast is king.  I used to be a Matchy-Matchy Mona (yes, I just made that up), but now I’m a Contrast Carly. (No?)  Point being this…if I’m wearing blue or purple then I will search for my jeweled accessories on the yellow, orange or red side of the store.

#4. That reminds me – Dustee’s, Charming Charlie and Sam Moon are among my fave places to shop because their displays are arranged by color.  I’d like to think that brainchild came to someone who took a peek into my closet.

#5. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…BIGGER IS BETTER.  Okay, maybe my opinion is biased because I’m a big girl but I’d like to think that even if I were petite, I would still be drawn to in-your-face jewelry – you know, those earrings you can see from across the building or rings that take up your entire hand.

#6. If your clothing is the canvas and your jewelry pieces are the brushstrokes of color, then place them accordingly.  For example, I have a Tiffany Blue, cowl neck shirt I wear with red accessories.  Placement is important though.  I typically choose a chunky red necklace with a giant red ring.  I also have red earrings and bracelets, but I usually forgo those for the sake of balance in this piece of artwork I’m creating.

#7. Last but not least, be true to you.  Remember, I said there are no rules so ultimately you get to wear what you like.  Everyone knows that I have no desire to purchase dainty little rings or small earrings that don’t hang at least to mid-neck.  If I did that, it would seem weird and very un-Amy.  But the same goes for you.  If big or blingy isn’t your deal, then stick with whatever is your deal and don’t worry about what others say – even loudmouths like me!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My #1 Beauty and Fashion Rule

Being a woman is tough sometimes because it comes with so many rules.  Don't wear white after labor day (or to another woman's wedding), your nail polish should coordinate with your toenail polish, don't mix brown and black, the Coco Chanel rule of seven (referring to how many pieces of jewelry you can wear at once) and the list goes on.

In most cases, I understand the thought behind the various rules but being the rebel that I am, I just have one rule that I follow...


Not when it comes to my fashion.  Sure, there are things I wouldn't be caught dead in (i.e. a denim mini skirt with UGGs) but not because someone decided it was a major faux pas or some hard and fast rule.  Rather, the reason I won't don certain outfits or accessories is simply a matter of preference.  If I like the way it looks (and have no moral issues with modesty, etc.) then I'll try it out.  And if Glamour Magazine says it's "so five minutes ago", I don't foresee that I'll lose much sleep over that.

Sadly, I have not always operated under this principle but for the last few years, I have recognized the freedom that comes with consulting only my inner fashionista.

 I've also discovered something else that I find fascinating.

Whatever your preference is, there will be women with similar taste who are just waiting for someone like you to pave the way.  In other words, instead of being a slave to others style ideas, you can become the trendsetter.

It might sound crazy, but I hear a lot of women saying, "I've always wanted to try that look" or "I wish I could pull that off."

My response to those ladies is simple.  You can...if you follow my #1 beauty and fashion rule!

(P.S. - My #2 Beauty and Fashion Rule is also quite simple.  "Bigger is better...especially when it comes to earrings, bracelets and purses!)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Who Needs Diamonds???

False lashes are a girl's best friend!!!!

Sometimes, being a glamazon means going above and beyond in the areas of hair and makeup.  For days when plain, ol' mascara won't do, I've been known to bust out the fake eyelashes.  Some reserve them for special occasions or photo shoots, but I believe that every day is a gift from God which makes every day a special occasion! (See what I did there?)

Thanks in large part to my years as a Theatre Major in college, I have become quite proficient at applying fake eyelashes.  In the following video, I will share with you my tips for application as well as demonstrate (unintentionally, mind you) a few of the pitfalls that come with the process. 

In spite of the camera angle, volume issues and annoying kitten in the background, I hope this video is helpful and I encourage feedback if you make your first attempt at "a girl's best friend"!

3 is better than 1?

I've long known that I'm a glutton for punishment but in case you weren't convinced, I offer further proof.  I am "reinstating" this blog which will bring my blog total to THREE.  That's correct.  I'm going to attempt to run 3 blogs at once.  ("Attempt" is the operative word there.)

The reasoning behind my insanity is simple.  At the She Speaks conference I recently attented, I was given a challenge by one of the publishers.  She suggested that I post every day for 30 days to help determine what areas and audience I'm most passionate about.  Initially, the task seemed nearly impossible but then I realized that if I gave myself three different platforms from which to write, it MIGHT be doable.

That being said, this blog (Goodness, Grace, and All Things Glam) will be devoted primarily to the "glam" side of life.  Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a girly-girl to the core and that I consider myself quite the fashionista in the areas of clothing, makeup, hair and accessories.  I'm often asked about how I do my eye shadow or where I get my jewelry, etc. so I figure why not have a blog devoted to answering those questions and more?!

Another blog that you may already be aware of is Rebel With A Calling.  It is there that I will continue to post about this amazing journey God has me on as well as specific ways we can combat worldliness and live a sold-out life for Christ.

Lastly (and most daunting in my opinion), is my blog entitled, Single Step.  If I'm being honest, this is the blog I don't really want to do.  However, I recognize the importance of the accountability it brings and I already have a small but devoted following.  Single Step is made up of videos that outline my weight loss journey as I use the Weigh Down method to try and "shape up".

So there you have it.

Three blogs.  Thirty days.

Are you in?