That's right, I'm giving myself an assignment in which you will be able to track my progress via blog. No, I'm not cooking my way through Julia Childs' cookbook. Instead, I am taking on something even more daring, more sanity-threatening.....more, well, impossible! My task, should I chose to accept it (which obviously I will) is to prove to myself and the world (a.k.a. West Texas) that there IS, in fact, SOMETHING to do in Midland.
If, like me, you grew up in the Tall City, then you have undoubtedly heard people say (if not uttered yourself), "There's nothing to do in this town!" I used to agree with that statement 100% and I'm not saying that I don't still find some truth in those words. However, much like Julie Powell from the aforementioned movie, I've always liked a challenge. So my assignment is this:
I will find some type of entertainment or event for every week of the year in 2010.
(That's 52 "things to do" in this town.)
To make it extra challenging, I won't repeat events and I will exclude going to restaurants and bars unless it is for an actual event like a concert. (Now you're really thinking it's impossible, I know!)
I will not set a price limit, although seeing as how I live on a teacher's salary, you can guess that I will be looking for inexpensive options.
Lastly, I will keep within a 50 mile radius of Midland, TX.
In preparation for this assignment, I have already subscribed to receive updates from the City of Midland's Calendar of Events, but any help my readers (all 5 of you) wish to give, I will gladly accept.
Wish me luck...